Friday 19 August 2011

WikiLeaks India: LandWarNet conference begins Sunday

WikiLeaks India: LandWarNet conference begins Sunday: For a military that increasingly relies on technology, cybersecurity is a huge issue. There have been breaches from the inside, best illus...

LandWarNet conference begins Sunday

For a military that increasingly relies on technology, cybersecurity is a huge issue.

There have been breaches from the inside, best illustrated by the case of Bradley Manning, the Army private accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks.

And there have been many attacks from the outside.

"We have lost terabytes of data" through intrusions and attacks on defense companies' corporate networks, Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn III said. "A great deal of it concerns our most sensitive systems."

Starting Sunday, the issue of cybersecurity comes to Tampa in a big way as nearly 10,000 military officials, defense contractors and academics flock here for the annual LandWarNet conference. Speakers include Adm. William McRaven, the new head of U.S. Special Operations Command, who will make his first public presentation Wednesday morning since taking over the command from Adm. Eric Olson.

The conference runs through Friday with meetings and exhibits at the Tampa Convention Center.

The conference has evolved during the past few years to become the Army's main conference addressing information technology and the integration of intelligence and communications functions, said Kent Schneider, president and CEO of AFCEA International, which is sponsoring the conference.

"As we have gotten into this world of asymmetrical warfare, with counterterrorism, there is a much greater emphasis in sharing information," Schneider said. With the fight against terrorist groups a global effort, he said, the Army has to share information with other military branches, other government agencies and even other governments.

And as information is shared, it has to be guarded.

Given concerns over WikiLeaks and recent intrusions, "cybersecurity in general will be one of the key priorities in the conference," Schneider said.

"Everything is computerized today," he said. "Energy sources or the financial community or transportation networks, all of those are automated, and they are all part of the critical infrastructure our enemies, particularly terrorist, would love to bring down."

The conference used to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Schneider said, but outgrew the space there. It came to Tampa last year largely because of the presence of Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the Joint Communications Support Element and the coalition partners at MacDill Air Force Base.

"MacDill is fairly unique in terms of folks that are there," Schneider said. "Given recent events, Centcom and Socom are very much in the center of everything."

Thursday 18 August 2011

Why the WikiLeaks cable about Syrian regime is spot on

US diplomats describe the Assad government as institutionally dishonest, brutal and defiant
    US diplomats describe the Assad government as institutionally dishonest, brutal and defiant
     In the Wikileaks cable the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is described as 'nasty' and 'abrasive' by US diplomats. Photograph: SANA / HO/EPA Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's apparently disingenuous statement to the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, that military operations have ended comes as no surprise to diplomats with experience of working in Damascus. Deceit is high on the list of qualities marking Syrian diplomatic relations, according to a frank US diplomatic cable from 2009 published by WikiLeaks this month. "SARG [Syrian government] officials lie at every level," wrote the US charge d'affaires in Damascus, Maura Connelly, as the US was beginning to re-engage with Syria after withdrawing its ambassador in 2005. "They persist in a lie even in the face of evidence to the contrary. They are not embarrassed to be caught in a lie." The portrait painted here fits with the behaviour of the regime towards its own people and the international community during the last five months: brutal and defiant. In the cable the Syrian regime is described as willing to be "nasty" and using a style "at best abrasive and, at its worst, brutal" to achieve its aims. This could involve anything from "harsh verbal attacks to intimidate and rattle foreign diplomats" to allegations made by Syrians abroad about harrassment by their own diplomatic staff. Other undesirable rules of engagement besides deceit are provided in the guide: "vanity and self-preservation" and the use of "non-sequitur" and "antagonism" as key strategies by officials, who are described as sticklers for protocol. "The Syrians are not troubled by discord; they seek an upper hand in any relationship by relying on foreign diplomats' instinctive desire to resolve problems," Connelly wrote. The cable suggests flattery may help lubricate meetings with Assad, whose weaknesses are described as vanity and abstraction – two hallmarks of his speeches during the current crisis. The embattled president is described as less shrewd than his father, with a self-image as "a sort of philosopher king, the Pericles of Damascus" that influences policy to a "disproportionate" degree. According to diplomats little has changed in the two years since the cable was written. "Syrian diplomats are a source of exasperation to all," said one non-US western diplomat speaking on condition of anonymity. "The security state runs the show, officials are hard to get hold of and when you do, they repeat the latest regime line ad nauseum." The cable also exemplifies why the regime has been caught short by a generation of young people who use social media to disseminate information about the crackdown. At the time of writing the Syrian ministry of foreign affairs had no internal email system, relying solely on phone and fax. The cable does note, however, that a few talented individuals allow the Syrian government to punch above its weight. Nour Ali is a pseudonym for a journalist based in Damascus

Pinoys in Sabah seen as 'potential threats' - Wikileaks

The United States issued a secret cable to read parts of Mindanao in 2006, granted autonomy to Sabah, another resident when he warned "difficult" as the Philippines, Malaysia, a Malaysian security official could become potential threats.
About a population boom as American diplomats online whistleblower Sabah Malaysian authorities he did not say, cable uploaded on its website on Wednesday.
And again, that control the Philippines, Malaysia, the Philippines, the most eastern part of the area, officials raised concerns at the center, which consists of Sabah State. Sandakan to Tawau Sabah from the Philippines, and Indonesia's eastern coast is already 3 1 outnumber Malaysians.
Sabah Youth and Sports Minister Masidi Manjun "Filipino Muslims from Mindanao, especially the difficulty that came out."
Cable Step, Manjun then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad of the 1990s, citizenship and the related voting rights issued the Sabah the Filipin0 residents, "ourselves as a devout No" and the Philippines, our Social Services "are resented reported and vandalism and violence," and less "society not coordinated. "
Porous borders

Assemblyman Samson Chin Chee Tsu Mindanao-based Muslim extremists in Malaysia are very subtle, its "sea and land borders with consideration, expressed fear that the attack on the nearby Saba."
Hundreds of Filipinos enter Sabah illegally each year in search of a better life. Most of the undocumented Filipinos Sabah Basilan, Sulu, Tawi - Tawi, and other serious Residing field comes from the provinces. As many as 200,000 Filipinos work and live illegally in Sabah, but the Malaysian immigration officials say that number would be higher.
"We want them here, or our economy would collapse," Manjun 750,000 illegal immigrants in Sabah to contribute so that the entire island's economy is acknowledged, it was announced that on cable.
There is an island of Mindanao in the south of Sabah, and in its northern territory is the subject of dispute between the Philippines and Malaysia. For decades, the Philippines has the right to sovereignty over the island in the international court.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

With Wikileaks Dead, New 9/11 Deception Ploy In Motion – Salem-News.Com

Using Clarke, ”Mr. Small Potatoes,” to peddle poor George Tenet as mastermind of the crime of the century, all I can say is “Good luck with that.”
'Fall Guy' George Tenet being measured for the noose
'Fall Guy' George Tenet being measured for the noose

(CINCINNATI ) - Last week, conspiracy buffs were given a magic revelation regarding 9/11. Richard Clarke pointed the finger at former CIA director, George Tenet, declaring the CIA “allowed” the 9/11 hijackers to operate freely. The rationale? Tenet and the CIA had plans to use “them” in some way, maybe turn them into secret double agents, even triple agents. What’s wrong with this picture?
I feel as though I had stepped back into time. It’s 1963 and Lee Oswald, Marine U2 technician, Russian spy, CIA agent, pro-Castro activist, anti-Castro activist just shot President Kennedy, with 6 of 3 rounds fired from 3 different directions killing Kennedy and wounding Texas governor John Connelly, all while Oswald was in a lunch room full of witnesses.
Notwithstanding the broken rifle with the loosened scope or Oswald killing a police officer with a revolver that discarded shell casings of a different caliber as though it were an automatic (Colt .38 “Super” semi-automatic pistol) reselling the “lone gunman” myth continues.
Now we are trying the same with 9/11. Can I say “notwithstanding” again?
Even if someone were to believe thousands of tons of steel vaporized magically with a few gallons of kerosene, the “twin towers” story, 9/11 fell apart years ago when the Commission itself distanced itself from their own findings as a “whitewash” and “fraud.” Then hard, irrevocable facts came in, Building 7 was ordered destroyed, something requiring months of preparation but done with 20 minutes notice. The other weak link, the Pentagon, a missile attack, no aircraft could have done it, long proven, no pilot capable, no plane could have survived it, no wreckage one day and a few “pristine” pieces the next.
Past this we learned that the flight 93 drama, the calls, the storming of the cockpit, all made up, no calls were made, all a story.
More seriously, the idea of hijackers fell apart also. There was no proof they existed other than a few pieces of obviously planted evidence and wild claims never backed up by hard evidence. There were no hijackers, no box cutter armed Arabs with “Cessna” training flying better than Top Gun instructors.
It was all made up, every bit of it.
Ten years of lies, of torture, of trillions of dollars stolen, of America in Afghanistan in the biggest drug cartel ever dreamed of, ten years of fairly stories and now, all of a sudden, Richard Clarke, infamous weakling and “mama’s boy” points the finger at George Tenet, the CIA director the Bush White House always hated, someone kept in the dark, pushed aside by Cheney and his “privatization,” the perfect dupe.
With the ten year anniversary coming up, increasingly Israel’s hand is seen in 9/11, not just from conspiracy websites or “Jew haters” but from top analysts. The “fall back” story Israel uses is that they had agents all over the US who were “shadowing” the hijackers while others, team after team, were in New York, admittedly informed in advance of the attacks, “documenting.”
Problem there, every reliable report from “ground zero” says the explosions started before planes hit anything, then explosion after explosion. Films show the explosions. Forensic evidence shows explosives. Seismic evidence shows explosives.
Then we have Richard Clarke, years later, talking about hijackers again, the imaginary box cutter story, the phone calls that never happened, the magic pilots, the impossible planes.
Why Clarke?
Normally, stories like this, stories providing cover, “game theory” stories, come from Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Always the same, a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. Wikileaks? Peddling Israeli plots against Iran and Pakistan using dirt gathered on the United States, no difficult task there, carefully “seeded” as Zbigniew Brzezinski call it back in December 2010, with “pointed” information from an intelligence agency.
Wikileaks is Mossad and Wikileaks “friends” are “hasbara,” the helpers who serve Israel’s intelligence services.
But Wikileaks “crashed and burned,” so obvious they became a joke.
Now all that is left to sell the hijacker/box cutter story is weakling Richard Clarke, a minor figure, we are told, in the planning of 9/11, a White House “gofer” pointing his finger at poor George Tenet, the CIA director who never directed the CIA.
All of this, of course, is cheap theatre, cover for Israel, cover for Bush, cover for Cheney and Rumsfeld, for Rove and Ashcroft, for Gonzales, for Mike Harari.
Using Clarke, ”Mr. Small Potatoes,” to peddle poor George Tenet as mastermind of the crime of the century, all I can say is “Good luck with that.”

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Hacktivism’s Global Reach, From Targeting Scientology to Backing WikiLeaks and the Arab Spring

In recent years, online hackers who identified as being part of Anonymous and other groups have carried out dozens of high-profile online operations. When MasterCard and Visa suspended payments to WikiLeaks last December, hackers with Anonymous briefly took down the websites of both credit card giants. Other targets have included Sony, PayPal, Amazon, Bank of America, the Church of Scientology, and the governments of Egypt, Tunisia and Syria. Now law enforcement agencies across the world have begun cracking down on the hackers. In July, 16 suspected members of Anonymous were arrested in the United States. We take an inside look at how online hacker activist groups operate with three guests: Peter Fein, an activist who works with the group Telecomix, a volunteer organization that has supported free speech and an open internet in the Middle East, and who sometimes acts as a liaison to Anonymous and was one of several moderators on the Internet Relay Chat for OpBART, the latest Anonymous campaign targeting the San Francisco subway system; Gabriella Coleman, an assistant professor of media, culture and communication at New York University whose first book, "Coding Freedom: The Aesthetics and the Ethics of Hacking," is forthcoming, currently working on a new book about Anonymous and digital activism; and a member of the hacktivist group Anonymous, going by the pseudonym "X." [includes rush transcript]

Monday 15 August 2011

WikiLeaks: US and Brazil Vie for Power in Peru – Huffington Post

State Department in their letter, the United States Embassy in South America and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, a leftist regional rehabilitation center on the possible measures are being paranoid about the exception. I mean, at least, on a recent whistle - blowing away the greatest jewel muranpatutan read the intentions of the United States is pursuing cables, it is a topic about which I have written widely in recent months. In countries such as Brazil, for example - yet, President Hugo Chavez as a political instead of a spent force with health fading fast, and Venezuela, which Washington would change its display to the other forces of nature seem to rise.
Judging read the cables, the South American juggernaut in the United States, an ideological fear no more, and in fact left the Foreign Ministry of Brazil's diplomats are considered relics of the past obsolete and anachronistic. However, a growing player in the region is in Brazil and United States diplomats appiraccinaikalai know the truth. Currently, in Brazil and the United States, an amiable, if not properly maintain diplomatic star. Fades and the broader region of Washington in Venezuela struggles to maintain its dominance as the bifurcation, however, Brazil and the United States inevitably would create competition.
Fallen somewhat under the radar of political competition, but the scandal a secret cable to Washington, proposing a close reading empty. Curtis Struble 2005 according to me, the American ambassador to the United States again in Lima, Peru, Brazil, political influence, an "Undeclared Competition" was written in that enmeshed. Negotiations about a US-Peru free trade agreement with Struble noted that it was positive, added, "we count, in most cases receive".
Until the 2006 election - Run Up
Cables and Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva, Brazilian Machiavellian administration in order to advance the global political and economic goals indicate that narrow-minded self-interest pursued. Alejandro Toledo met with members of his administration in the run-up, where the Peruvian presidential election in 2006, Brazilian foreign policy adviser, Marco Aurelio Garcia, a visit to Peru. During his discussion, Garcia moves up to spearhead internal difficulties facing countries sought to establish the South community.
The "crisis" among the leadership of Hugo Chávez, was nothing more than a regional competition. Community countries in order to progress the American South, in its two constituent parts, such as Mercosur and the Andean Community trading blocs, "stabilized." According to Garcia, have, however, the Andean Community because of Chavez as a "crisis" was in "active." Toledo government, Garcia said Peruvians simply [personally, added the Brazilian, Venezuelan President Lula "rein" to help], "he [Chavez's only] diatribes ignore" recommended that.
In the meantime, it's called Chavez Garcia, South Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Bank designed a company as opposed to large financial institutions. According to a cable, Peruvians of South countries, the Bank agreed that the new South American Community will not load. Like Garcia, Toledo is most appropriate for the authorities to increase the regional integration process, the Andean Development Fund were very conservative.
Humala handling
Garcia and nationalist presidential candidate Ollanta Humala, Chavez met with a kind of supporter. When enemies attack led by the candidate during the campaign, supported by Venezuelan leader Humala was provocative. In campaign events, Humala himself "comandante" Call and energy resources to assert greater state control programs, boasting, wear red, the game was to take a leaf from his political adviser.
Humala is a deviation towards Venezuela is not very happy, in Brazil, said Garcia "intranquility" said the candidate would not accept the measures taken by Chavez. Moreover, the ambassador of his powers, "axes" of the countries stated that Chávez did not hear the same opinion. Garcia is a major stabilizing role in the Andean region and Brazil, he was very active in social, political and economic pressures, said he worried about.
Humala took place at the meeting and the candidate's wife in his own house, nation's Heredia, have mercy [Heredia Venezuela in light of his own free connections to ensure her guests again, perhaps] in Brazil have taken great pains to entertain. Humala, in the meantime, "all of a nayakiyakirar too, was polite and honest." Peru candidate, he should be relieved that the United States and Brazil are co-added.
In Brazil, a more stable
In reality, Humala and Chavez on course to upset the political system. During the campaign, Venezuela: Peruvian widely criticized for his ties, and the connection may also cost him the election. Humala man who edged out former President Alan Garcia, a Fiery nationalist was a previous incarnation. However, when Garcia's campaign was extremely critical of Chavez, a senior politician and his presidential victory, the court went out of its way to Brazil.
According to Wikileaks cables, Brazil "regional balance" of Chavez is to rescue and prevent the increased geopolitical profile in the election which saw an appropriate time. After the match, Garcia Lula in Brasilia with what is referred to by insiders, personally met with a "love - Concert." Despite the political origins of the two leaders, the purpose of life in their respective jettisoned Garcia and Lula, were far from such policies.
Perhaps, Lula in Brazil, Chavez's star waned, and it is now time for its own strategic advantage that the perceived message. The Brazilian Amazon forest and the President about it (Inter-Oceanic Highway, including diabetes, which increases the standing, between Peru and Brazil stressed the need for greater physical integration, see my book on Amazon, no rain: how the South American climate change) affects the entire Planet. Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, the project is undertaken by the Peruvian Brazilian exports to China via ship ports.
Between Peru and Brazil, Lula, a regional military and political alliance, said more needed. Lest the wrong impression about the aims of the Brazilian Garcia, Lula and his country and regional "hegemony" that get fed up, but merely a change in South America "on a par with China and India as a global actor." In response to Lula, the Brazilian Garcia regional hegemony in the United States preferred that he admitted candidly. Peru, the new president and, of course, to create joint ventures in Brazil and will be interested to know how Brazilian technological advantage.
Judging from other cables, Garcia attempted to offer them cooperation in other areas. In 2009, U.S. Embassy Lima, the Brazilian aerospace company Embraer Super Tucano a dozen pro-war production aircraft that were interested in purchasing. Contract Details "or a large business delegation.", Lima, Peruvians have been discussed during a visit to Lula in Brazil and the United States out of pure frustration at being forced back. According to leaked documents, Garcia did not satisfy the government's "tools of the United States, the United States defense procurement process is slow and complicated and more expensive."
Humala Act II
Perhaps recognizing that Chavez's star wane, Humala by cultivating political relationships in Brazil, saw fit to remake itself. Peru, the recent presidential election, the New York Times, private companies and possibly seizing a publicly rejected the talks, Brazil, Venezuela, the eclipse will have points, Mr. Humala dark suits red shirts in exchange for the entire year, a change in ", commented the Brazilian market-based economic model, the Venezuelan president, Hugo While distancing himself from Chavez. "Moreover, Humala even Lula Workers' Party in Brazil, a tumor acattinar campaign advisers, appointed and paid four visits.
Down the rhetoric Toning, Humala Ollanta instead of simply began referring to himself as "comandante." Perhaps, the moderate conservative image challenge, Keiko Fujimori, who edged out Humala, helped. Soon, he was elected president, Humala flew to Brazil and Lula met with Dilma Rousseff supporter. Humala's first official trip abroad was in his new office, and Peru, sent a clear sign of a geopolitical priorities going forward.
Vying Peru Electricity
While in the United States for a kaikorp Humala, of the Andes in Brazil could overtake Washington. To be sure, an important free trade agreement with Peru, the United States and two countries collaborate in combating drug trafficking. However, Humala, a major Pacific gateway and strategic link between Brazil and China as the two largest economies finds Peru. For years, Brazil and Peru to trick each other, trading billions of dollars have been omitted, but now this has mushroomed.
A voracious consumer of energy, Brazil, South American juggernaut power to produce diesel fuel instead of importing it to stop and hydroelectric projects in Peru has been actively building. In the meantime, the proposed 600-mile natural gas pipeline in Peru's Camisea field to Odebrecht in a proposed petrochemical plant is due to connect. Even the steel industry and the activities of companies operating there are additional benefits. Peru was the largest steel plant in the Brazilian company Gerdau,, the owner is a friend both Lula and Rousseff. What is more, an additional indium Brazilian operation, flat-screen televisions and computer monitors produce a material used to manufacture large metal refinery in Peru, Cajarmarquilla, purchased.
At this time, the Peruvian nationalists will turn against Brazil? High in the Andean region will insert its tentacles in Brazil, South America, the biggest danger is that ruffle feathers and local sensibilities.

Friday 12 August 2011

ERODE: Invest the money in the Swiss bank did read the list: email , DMK & Cong., Anxiety

ERODE: "Wikileaks' Web site had been taken from, people - including Congress men names, the list did read a copy distributed to invest money in the Swiss bank. Read ceytullor invested in the bank to release the list, resident in different countries, including India, have raised a voice. Case "Wikileaks' website, often on little by little, has caused uproar. "This list is correct, 'that the swiss bank will read," This list is not correct that,related peoples are saying. However, a few even reached the list published on the Web site, the site has been banned. That have been downloaded from this website, email, - INC., Personalities, ministers, VIP, s name, detailing the amount they invested copies, Technology and distribute to the people yesterday. So, disappointed Radia, former Prime Minister Rajiv, nareskoyal, Karunanidhi, Stalin, A. Raja, S. S.. Palanimanikkam, Lalu, including names, appearing much. Than the real copy, the Xerox copies taken in large quantities by people distribute, DMK & Con., peoples are shocked.

Ex-Swiss banker to hand account files to WikiLeaks

Ex-Swiss banker to hand account files to WikiLeaks

Former Swiss banker, was on Monday due to transfer files to WikiLeaks which he argues in detail attempts wealthy business leaders and legislators to evade taxes.
Rudolf Elmer, a former employee of Swiss bank Julius Baer, ​​said the British newspaper the Observer on Sunday that the documents contain details on the 2000 accounts in offshore financial centers. He says that the account holders include "high value of the net" of celebrities, businessmen and members of the U.S., UK and Asia.
Elmer, who had a leak of bank documents, secret shedding site, was scheduled to hold a news conference later Monday in the Frontline Club in London with a representative of WikiLeaks. Vaughan Smith, the owner of the Frontline Club, said he could nottell who will be the representative.
10-bedroom mansion Smith in eastern England was to serve as temporary headquarters WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, since he was released on bail on December 16. Assange compared his bail conditions - which are largely restricted to his home Smith - in the "high-tech house arrest", but recently promised that the leakage current of documents will increase.
Elmer press conference comes two days before to appear before the Zurich regional court to answer charges of coercion and violation of Switzerland's strict banking secrecy laws.
He told the Observer newspaper that he plans to open a new set of files to expose the activities of offshore financial centers. "The only thing on which I am absolutely clear that the banks know, but the big boys know that the money hidden in tax evasion purposes," the newspaper quoted him as saying.